- An evaluation will provide you with information about how your child is developing and how to address any areas of concern.
- These evaluations are often recommended if your child has a medical issue that affects how the brain works, but they may also be recommended if your child seems to be developing or learning differently.
Neuropsychologists are experts in brain function. We study how the brain develops and also how it responds to and recovers from illness and injury. Children with complex medical issues may see a neuropsychologist, but so may children without any medical issues. The main reason to see a neuropsychologist is because there are concerns that your child has, or is at risk of, developmental or learning difficulties.
A neuropsychologist can help you understand how your child is developing compared to other children their same age. If your child has a chronic medical issue, we also can help you understand how your child’s performance compares to other children with this same condition. The evaluation involves working one-on-one with your child to get an overview of their development across many different areas (including intelligence, academic achievement, attention, learning/memory, language, fine motor skills, visual perception, processing speed, executive functioning, social skills, mood, and behavior).
This information will then be used to determine whether any diagnoses are appropriate and, even more importantly, how best to support your child’s development. This includes recommendations for school, therapists, physicians, and also for you on how to help maximize your child’s progress. Once an evaluation has been completed, it also serves as a baseline by which we can monitor your child’s progress moving forward in order to ensure that they are continuing to build new skills at an appropriate rate.